Obviously ohms are important, I don't want to be making a pipe bomb. On my Wismec RX Machina I did notice improved performance under 0.2 ohms, or rather worse performance above 0.2 ohms, but was that down to the heat capacity of the coil rather than the resistance? I have dabbled with protected Mech mods, my old Kanger squonk is running the beserker rda with a 1 ohm build on it and seems to operate fine. So 3 sets of advice (admittedly one for a specific device) but none of the advice fits together. Looking recently at Creme De Vape I see the Beacon Telescopic hybrid mech for a very attractive price along with the advice not to use it for sub ohm builds. Even individuals seem inconsistent, one Youtube reviewer I watched recently in an old video was advising to build between 0.2 and 0.5 ohms, a year later the same reviewer was advising to build below 0.2 ohms. I have to say I am confused by advice on Mech Mods I have seen.